Who Needs to go Back to School?

January 31, 2019 - Brutally cold Arctic air blasts the Midwest and Northeast. Extreme cold blankets much of the Plains and the South. Baby, it's cold outside! The extreme weather is responsible for more than a dozen deaths so far.
Our Fearless Leader.

So, our illustrious leader, you know The Man Who Would Be King, takes time to comfort the populace and reassure the citizenry that the federal government will help them out and that state and local authorities are doing everything they can to keep people safe.


Nah. Instead, the idiot-in-charge is constantly Tweeting about how global warming is a big hoax and Oh, Please Bring Back the Warm Weather. Wow. What an moron!

Here's a quick primer:

weather - the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as it regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. (courtesy of Google)

climate - the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period (think weather patterns, atmospheric conditions, regional differences in temperatures (also courtesy of Google)

The key phrase under climate is long period. Weather is not climate. But climate change can affect weather. (Here's a New York Times piece in response to Trump's ranting denials.)

Most Americans learned these differences years ago in middle school. Apparently, climate change deniers and the president of the United States missed those science lessons. Maybe he was out sick with a cold.


In an unrelated twist, Trump was furious with his intelligence advisers regarding their recent congressional testimony. The intel chiefs publicly contradicted the DrunkenFuhrer on several key foreign policy issues (mainly North Korea, ISIS, and Russia). An angry Trump said they should all "go back to school."

Yet, I'm sure the heads of our intelligence agencies know the difference between weather and climate.

Now, who should go back to school?
